Public Relations

Vivaldi is on a mission to provide a browser that works for anyone while putting their privacy first. Developed by Vivaldi Technologies, a company founded by Tatsuki Tomita and Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner — the co-founder and CEO of Opera Software.

Vivaldi approached Clockwork intending to achieve media coverage for their regular product releases but also gain exposure for both their CEO and the Vivaldi brand.

Client: Vivaldi Technologies
Industry: Software
Year: 2021
Vivaldi Case Study
Sample Media results


Over a 12-month period, we’ve landed over 100 media results, including Engadget, Forbes, The Verge, Tech Radar, and numerous podcasts and YouTube opportunities.


“We started working with Dave and the Clockwork team in June 2021 as we needed additional support in our PR efforts. Being an agile tech startup, we needed a flexible approach from the Clockwork team so that we could call upon them at short notice to help with product releases and media engagement. Dave has supported us over the past year and landed some big results across the media.”

Varsha Chowdhury, PR and Communications Manager

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Content Marketing – Video – Branding

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Digital Strategy - Copywriting
Red Hat